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Report Your OPT or OPT STEM Employment

While you are on post-graduate OPT employment and OPT STEM extension, you must report key details about your employment to International Services. Employment reporting is mandatory in order to maintain your legal status and continue working in the United States.

SEVP Portal

The Student Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) portal is a tool that F-1 students on post-completion Optional Practical Training (OPT) or OPT STEM extension must use to report changes of home address, telephone number, and employer information.

On or after the OPT start date listed on your EAD, you will receive an email from SEVP with instructions for creating your free account. The email will come from If you don't see the message within seven days of the OPT authorization start date on your EAD, check the spam or junk mail folders of your Cornell and personal email accounts. 

If you still do not see the message or if you have a problem accessing the SEVP portal, submit a "resend SEVP access link" request via the F-1 Practical Training section of your myStatus portal. (You may report your employment via the OPT Employment Report e-form in the F-1 Practical Training section of your myStatus portal while your SEVP link is being delivered.)

Be sure to visit SEVP portal help on the Study in the States website. It offers step-by-step instructions and instructional videos.

OPT Reporting Requirements

If you are on 12-month OPT after graduation, you must report your employment within 10 days of your employment start date. If you’re changing your status from F to a different visa category, you must report this within 10 days of the change going into effect. Report the following:

  • Changes to your name, residence, or mailing address
  • Any employment changes (ending a job, changing jobs)
  • Names and addresses of all OPT employers
  • Start and end dates of all OPT employment
  • New immigration status (change to H-1B, for example)
  • You decide to leave the United States, so you will not start or continue OPT

Make sure all of your OPT employment is directly related to your field of study.

Trouble Reporting?

If you are having difficulty updating your employment information in the SEVP portal, or if the portal directs you to contact a DSO due to failure to enter employment information within 10 days of your OPT authorization start date on your EAD or a related matter, submit the OPT Employment Report eform to our office via the F-1 Practical Training section of your myStatus Portal to ask our office update your information.

If you fail to submit the required updates within 10 days of the change, your F-1 record and your valid F-1 status may be terminated. Complete this form as soon as possible to ask us for support.

While on OPT, you may only be unemployed for a total of 90 days. Begin to count days without employment from the start date on your EAD. You should include any days before you begin employment and any days between jobs.

For each job you hold, maintain evidence of your position and the amount of time you worked there. Include the job title, contact information for your supervisor or manager, and a description of the work you did. A signed letter from your hiring official, supervisor, or manager stating how your degree is related to the work you performed is especially helpful.

Requirements for OPT STEM Reporting

While you are on an OPT STEM extension, both you and your employer have certain OPT STEM reporting obligations.

  1. Report Status Change
  2. Check E-Verify
  3. Make 6-Month Reports
  4. Track Days Unemployed

1 Report changes of status within 10 days.

You must report your OPT STEM employment and any other changes of status within 10 days. Report the following:

  • Changes to your name, residence, or mailing address
  • Any employment changes (ending a job, changing jobs)
  • Names and addresses of all OPT employers
  • Start and end dates of all OPT employment
  • You decide to leave the United States, so you will not start or continue your OPT STEM extension

2 Make sure your employer is enrolled in E-Verify.

3 Submit a OPT STEM report every six months.

Your first report is due six months after the start date of your STEM EAD. You must submit the reports within 10 days of the due date. Learn more about your required OPT STEM reports below.

4 Track the number of days you are unemployed.

While on OPT STEM, you can have no more than 150 days without employment. The total of 150 days includes any days of unemployment that accrued during the time you were on regular OPT.

If you fail to submit the required updates within 10 days of the change, your F-1 record and your valid F-1 status may be terminated. Complete this form as soon as possible to ask us for support.

If you fail to submit the required reports within 10 days of the due date, your F-1 record and your valid F1 status may be terminated.

Your employment while you are on OPT STEM must be directly related to your STEM degree.

Required OPT STEM Reports

There are several reports that you are required to submit while you are on OPT STEM status:

Six months after the start of your STEM EAD, you must confirm your personal address and employer information. Even if there has been no change in your situation, you must Report Your STEM Extension Validation.

Twelve months after the start of your STEM EAD, do the following:

  • Upload the annual evaluation into the STEM Extension Validation form. You must complete the OPT Employment Report even if there has been no change in your employment situation.
  • The evaluation form (Evaluation of Student Progress) is on page 5 in your I-983 OPT STEM training plan.

Eighteen months after the start of your STEM EAD, you must confirm your personal address and employer information. Even if there has been no change in your situation, you must Report Your STEM Extension Validation.

At the end of 24 months or when your OPT STEM is ending, do the following:

  • Upload the final evaluation into the STEM Extension Validation form. You must complete the OPT Employment Report even if there has been no change in your employment situation.
  • The evaluation form (Evaluation of Student Progress) is on page 5 in your I-983 OPT STEM training plan.

OPT STEM: Special Circumstances to Report

While you are on OPT STEM status, there are several special circumstances that you must report ...

If you stop working for an employer—at the end of your 24 months of OPT STEM or at any point in your training—upload the final evaluation into the OPT Employment Report form.

The evaluation form (Final Evaluation) is on page 5 in your I-983 OPT STEM training plan.

If you change employers during your STEM OPT, do the following:

Report any material changes to or deviations from your I-983 training plan. Do the following:

Material changes include, but are not limited to …

  • Changes to the employer's commitments or your learning objectives in the I-983
  • New employer EIN (for example, due to a change in ownership or structure)
  • Reduction in compensation (pay cut) that is not due to fewer hours worked
  • Significant decrease in work hours per week

Reporting Requirements for Your STEM OPT Employers

When your employment ends— at the end of your 24 months of STEM OPT or at any point in your training—your employer must notify Cornell within five days.

Ask your employer to contact International Services. The message must include your name, SEVIS ID number, and the start and end dates of your STEM OPT employment.