If you are planning international travel over spring break, be aware that U.S. federal travel restrictions are evolving. New restrictions could impact your ability to reenter the country.
Be on guard against scammers who may try to take advantage of uncertainty around federal executive orders to demand money or personal information. Find out how you can protect yourself.
Detailed information on what to do if external (non-Cornell) law enforcement arrives is now on the Information on Executive Orders website. This is a rapidly evolving situation, and we understand that our students and scholars are concerned about what documentation to have on hand.
Visit Cornell's Information on Executive Orders website for guidance and resources on how new executive orders, federal agency directives, and policy announcements may impact our community.
The recent election signals a likely change in U.S. immigration and border policies that could impact our international community. We do not yet know what policy decisions will be made, so we have developed the following guidance based on the best available evidence.
Be cautious about any unsolicited offers you receive for jobs or internships. Cornell students are continuing to receive fraudulent (phishing) emails with these scam offers, and some students have fallen victim. Read more ...