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Victim of Violence?

Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence

Cornell University does not tolerate sexual abuse, rape, sexual assault, domestic violence, intimate partner violence, stalking, sexual coercion, or other forms of sexual violence by or against students, staff, faculty, alumni, or visitors.

If you are the victim of a crime, contact the Cornell University Police Department.

Can I press criminal charges as a documented or undocumented immigrant?

Yes. Information about your New York State’s criminal definitions of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking can be found in the Public Safety Annual Security Report.

I’ve been a victim of assault. Do I have the right to get help on campus?

Cornell will not retaliate against you or treat you differently for reporting a crime, whatever your immigration status. Under the law, students and staff who are victims or survivors of sexual and interpersonal violence receive full rights under Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments (Title IX) and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), regardless of immigration and visa status.

Visit SHARE (Sexual Harassment and Assault: Response and Education) for on-campus medical and counseling resources, as well as information about how to report an incident.

The police want me to stay in the U.S. during their investigation. Are there visas for crime victims?

Yes. Victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking may be eligible for special visa options, including U and T visas. For specifics, talk to an immigration attorney.

Quick Facts about the U Visa (victims of criminal activity)

  • For victims of substantial physical or mental abuse as the result of certain criminal activity, including sexual abuse, domestic violence, rape, assault, or other related crimes
  • Victim/applicant must be a victim of qualifying criminal activity and likely to be helpful to the investigation and/or prosecution of that criminal activity
  • Generally valid for four years

Quick Facts about the T (victims of human trafficking)

  • For victims of human trafficking
  • Must comply with reasonable requests from law enforcement for cooperation in investigation or prosecution of trafficking acts, unless unable to cooperate because of physical or psychological trauma, and must be able to demonstrate that the victim/applicant would suffer extreme hardship if removed from the United States
  • Generally valid for four years
