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Leave of Absence

You need to be registered as a full-time student to maintain your F-1 or J-1 status. If you take a leave of absence from Cornell, you will no longer be a registered student.

If you’ve been approved for a personal leave of absence and are not otherwise maintaining your status, you have a 15-day grace period and should make immediate plans to leave the U.S.

In some instances, there are steps you can take to maintain your legal status while on leave. Read this page carefully, then speak with an International Services immigration advisor about your specific situation if you have questions.

How to Arrange a Leave of Absence

  1. See Advising
  2. Type of Leave
  3. Plan Return

1 Start with your advising office.

If you’re considering a leave of absence from Cornell, speak with the advising office in your college, professional school, or graduate program to determine how it will affect your student status and employment eligibility.

2 Determine the type of leave.

Your circumstances and student status will determine the type of leave you are eligible to take. Your advising office will help you determine which leave classification meets your needs. There are two different types of approved student leave:

  • Personal leave of absence (LOA)
  • Health leave

Each classification comes with a set of rules that must be followed to maintain your status, so that you can return to Cornell after your leave. Find out more below about the leave classifications.

3 Develop a plan for returning to Cornell.

Depending on the type of leave you take, there are different rules for reentering the United States. Your advising office at Cornell can help you determine the steps you need to take for reentry.

Can I travel outside the United States?

Yes, if you have maintained your status with the university. Students on approved health leave are legally allowed to travel outside the United States.

If you’ve been approved for a personal leave of absence and are not otherwise maintaining your status, you have a 15-day grace period and should make immediate plans to leave the U.S.

What if I need to return for my defense?

If you plan to return from an approved leave of absence to defend your thesis or dissertation, contact your graduate student services representative to find out the procedures and requirements.

Contact International Services to learn more about your visa options. You may be able to come into the United States as a tourist.

Types of International Student Leave

Personal Leave of Absence

If you need to interrupt your regular academic program, the advising office in your college, professional school, or graduate program may grant you a personal leave of absence.

While on a leave of absence, you will not have student status, which may affect your student loan deferment and your access to campus facilities and services. You will need to obtain permission to return to Cornell from your college, professional school, or graduate program. After discussing your personal leave situation with your academic department and International Services, complete form Leaving Cornell

How can I stay in the United States?

According to immigration rules, you must be registered as a student to maintain your F-1 or J-1 student status. If you take a leave of absence, you are no longer a registered student, so you must do something to maintain your status if you wish to remain in the United States.

Some options include changing your immigration status (for example, to B-2), transferring to another school for a semester (such as TC3), or going on F-1 OPT if you are a graduate student with advanced standing. Speak with an International Services advisor about your specific situation.

What if I leave the United States?

You may have to leave the United States, if you cannot maintain your F-1 or J-1 status.

You will need to obtain new immigration documents (I-20 or DS-2019) from International Services to return to the country in F-1 or J-1 status. You will need to verify your funding again by providing updated department letters of support and bank statements.

Before we can issue your new I-20 or DS-2019, you will also need to contact the advising office in your college, professional school, or graduate program to obtain permission to return. After you have obtained permission for return from your college, professional school, or graduate program, follow the instruction below in the section, Return from Leave of Absence, for guidance on how to obtain a new I-20 or DS-2019.

How do I return to full-time registration?

You should contact your college, professional school, or graduate program to obtain permission to return to full registration after a leave of absence.

  • If you are an undergraduate, contact your college advising office and inform them of your plan to return.
  • If you are a graduate or professional student, contact your department and your graduate student services representative or the advising office of your professional school.

Will my leave affect my OPT eligibility?

It might. To be eligible for F-1 OPT after you graduate, you need to be enrolled for a full academic year. After a leave of absence, time counted toward the full academic year starts over again at the time you return to full-time enrollment. If you plan to apply for OPT, you should return for no less than two full semesters as a registered student before graduating.

Health Leave

Talk with us first! We need to approve the leave in SEVIS if you plan to remain in the U.S. during your health leave. Federal immigration regulations set strict limits on enrollment that is less than full-time. Read about full-time enrollment exceptions for medical reasons. If you receive permission from International Services for a medical Reduced Course Load (RCL), your immigration record remains active, and you can remain legally in the United States. A maximum of twelve months of medical RCL is allowed.

You must provide the Cornell Health leaves coordinator with a doctor's letter recommending a leave of absence for medical health or mental health reasons. Health leave is approved one semester at a time and requires a letter from a licensed medical doctor, doctor of osteopathy, or licensed clinical psychologist recommending leave for a specific semester.

The effective date of your health leave will be the date International Services authorizes your medical RCL in your immigration record. Tthis date cannot be retroactive and it must occur during the current semester.

Before you go on leave, inform the advising office in your college, professional school, or graduate program. Make sure to stay in touch with us about your plans to return to full-time enrollment or extend your leave.

Get more information on requesting a health leave of absence from Cornell.

Will a health leave affect my immigration status?

Be aware of the following immigration rules for a health leave of absence:

  • The maximum time away from full-time registration is 12 months total. Reduced course load and leave of absence both count toward the 12-month total.
  • You must have a letter from a licensed medical doctor, doctor of osteopathy, or licensed clinical psychologist recommending leave for a specific semester.
  • You must have prior approval from International Services before dropping courses or unregistering.
  • You may not work off-campus without prior authorization from International Services. On-campus work is a possibility. Talk with us.

These are the requirements and limitations for immigration purposes, and do not necessarily coincide with Cornell’s health leave requirements and limitations.

Can I work while on health leave?

Off-campus work requires authorization in advance from International Services. It’s often possible to work on campus. Talk with us before accepting a position.

Can I travel outside the United States?

While you are on an approved health leave, you may travel in and out of the United States in F-1 status. J-1 students on a leave of absence should discuss any planned travel with an International Services immigration advisor.

Return from Leave of Absence

If you have not enrolled at Cornell for a semester or more and your immigration record has been closed because of an authorized leave of absence, you must obtain documents to return to the United States. You will need a valid I-20/DS-2019, passport, and visa to enter the U.S. to participate in an academic program at Cornell.  You will also need to pay a SEVIS fee for the new I-20/DS-2019.

Complete the Return from Leave of Absence Request form located under General Services to obtain a new I-20/DS2019 for your return.